May 29, 2018
By default, your Wireless Gateway offers all the functionality of a modem and router in one device. It turns the signal coming in from the cable line into something a computer can understand, provides a way to connect multiple wired devices, a way for Wi-Fi devices to connect, and offers basic firewall capabilities. Connect your modem to the WAN port of the TP-Link router via an Ethernet cable;connect the main computer to TP-Link router’s LAN port via an Ethernet cable. 3 . Power on your router first, then the modem and computer. After rebooting check that you can surf with PC connect directly to modem. Install router and connect same PC to router using a wired connection. Go to internet setup and select use PC Mac Address click apply and reboot router. If you're lucky it will take and you'll be connected if not push reset on modem and wait.
Jul 10, 2017 · Switch Your Primary (ISP) Router to Bridge Mode When your problem exists because you have an ISP-supplied router/modem combination unit (in addition your own router), the best solution is to switch the ISP-supplied router to “bridge mode”. Bridging is simply an old networking technique that transparently links two different networks.
How do I use a different router with my DSL or Fiber
Mar 27, 2020 · For best results, place your router near your modem. Connect the router and the modem with an Ethernet cable. Most routers come packaged with a short Ethernet cable that you can use for this. Connect the modem to the WAN / Internet Port on your router.
>>I can connect to the admin panel for both the modem and the router >>Using the admin panel for the router, I can edit the wifi setting but there's no internet connection via either the ethernet cable or wifi . Troubleshooting already done: 1. Power-cycling modem and router in appropriate order (over several days). 2. Only connect the modem into the plug designated for the modem or for the Internet (not any of the Ethernet plugs). The modem plugs into the Internet or Modem jack on the router. Sometimes the jack is labeled WAN, for wide-area network. Wireless routers have similar connectors to the wired router with the addition of one or more antennas.